You call them idiots and they will call you an idiot, youll be even. How is making extra income immature, and irresponsible? No one owns peoples decisions to change companies. They not just sell a product but give advice. I guess that means that you are unknowledgable. It is like sales amn saying all those things about Primerica, had to eat his words. but he earned my trust, and my loyalty. I wouldnt want to do that, as I explained in my previous post. Sure the 10% to 12% is not the best for mutual funds but adding 2% on top of 10% to 12% is still way better than the banks GIC crap on which you get around 3% rate of return. What happens if (here is where I want to feel important) TIR or ADB (Terminally Illness Rider, or Accelerated Death Benefit) PFS is 40% or a max of 250K and must have 6 months or shorter to live. Now Tom you attack people on a personal and professional level and you tell me to grow up? Or I know it is the same place where you got your facts on the Viability of AIG. This means that if I have an accident, I pay a little not the whole amount. Its not an all or nothing thing. Something to consider is to get big in PFS is to recruit, recruit and recruit. Remember I am in business for myself I get who I get to represent. Living with their families on their final years. Why waste my money? Me as being a prospect thanks to this I have all my info and if guys like you have something to hide and if you are ashamed of being called an agent contracted by Primerica then there is something wrong. Greed of the sellers and greed of the buyers. I mean who underwrites the policies Michael? There are additional specific rules and designations for animal research (ABSL), agricultural research (BSL-Ag), and other types of Then, he makes a statement about PFS Life takes 2% of premium and writes 6% of face amount. These agents or just plain employee mindset people dont know anything about building a business or company from scratch or even their own client base because it was given to them by the former agency maintainer. Since that time IRA, and other items have opened up for the working class. You sir give yourself too good of a pat on the back on that one thoughyou know its true dont even bother lol. Accidental and Cancer are both worthless since they do not pay out often. As, far as an agent putting a piece of paper on the top of the policy saying you can not cancel, I believe the state DOI would have an issue with and if you have proof of an agent doing that I would turn them in. Again, hes grasping at straws Truth: shes a CPA and PFS sees that as a conflict, because of her profession, not her character. Since you are doing that with your clients, one can only hope you are a decent a.c. repair person. . (This means money is tax deffered or tax free which ever way you set it up. Williams, you gave up your entire team, moved 50 miles away at least and started over? This was created by the Insurance company to take more money from the client and place it in the coffers of the company. LOL The first thing they ought to teach members is not to brag about it. Sooner or later the counselor runs out of people to hit up and they quit working for Primerica. (ii) If any amounts have been paid on your behalf to a state insurance department, other state agency or testing service, those amounts will be deducted from any amount otherwise refundable; and It says the Broker agency is responsibly for all emails and posts. Now I can understand that you might never saw this since your opinions are from looking in from the outside. . By age 60 you should have most of your nest egg needed to live on. AS or 1%. You get what? Im not going to rush out and harass my friends and family and get a bunch of appointments even if thats what Im told I need to do 15-20 appts in the first 30 days. as there are many different policies each company has their own different features. They do ARMs. ______________________________. Primericas term length choices are 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 years, but buyers at older ages wont qualify for the longest lengths. As, I said before, Im open midedVERY open-minded so I even sat down with several other firms in insurance, securites, lending, franshising, network marketing and found something that was very striking. American Equity Investment Life Insurance Company There are various types of levels such as dumpy level, Y level, cushings level, tilting level, cookes reversible level and automatic level instruments for leveling in surveying. Yes we know. 2) The amount of information you learn about finances (as n non financial person such as myself) is simply unbelievable. I can respect that and if I run into one of his clients he will lose. If they wont/cant cover a client, what do they do? They sell term as a loss leader. just one product. Also why is it that the only people that sell Cash value see it as something that is good? Things change in your life and you need an updated Financial game plan. I am sorry, Buy Term and invest the Difference is not a slogan that Primerica created. You can bring up any example but this is looking at it from large numbers not an individual situation. Tom wait heres another on, can agents be rolled back down to a former position/commission level at PFS? First it is Systemic Risk not Systematic risk. Thats how products and manufactures stay competitive. And if you follow their lead, you will be wearing orange, or yellow jumpsuits eventually. If by some chance you feel PFS is a stepping stone, do what you feel is best for you. It does include a personal coach. It is also depends on the race too. It did not talk about Products. Do people ever wonder why recruiting is tied to advancemant? Its a turnkey systemwhich unfortunately some people are too smart for. As long as you sir do the right thing for someone and not take advantage of them, then by all means keep doing what youre doing. Used by you later. . I am curious, what do you do when you clients cancel to get a better price. Williams was a different company then Primerica) or anyone else that would like to keep their job. Do you think he wants to ahve call back monthly or quarterly just to get the sales pitch on something that he does not want. Some people pay for service. I am curious, do you think that the value you get from McDonalds is equal to the Value you get at Black Angus? d) Higher Terminal Illness Benefits Travlers are gone. ( Check the Stock Holders)Most people do not invest knowingly in products that have known to hurt people. how do u, used to or who helped to sell products? Weve been around for over 30 years and our company keeps growing and growing. This is America and there should be competition. You can not sell a fixed / index annuities . Michael Can you please use the Spell check. Some of my friends have been interested from the start. I am wondering if Primerica will be talking to you soon. -, Since we never talk about this point. What is wrong with showing a person on how to build a team so they can know what it takes to build a business of there own. Which is a better way to find out if this is for the person? If they currently do not have a huge team or any real ties to PFS, they could step outside PFS still recruit a team and just test the independent waters. I had one company selling my company toner that was local. How Much Does A $100,000 Life Insurance Policy Cost? I know my competition. Primerica sells two types of term life insurance: Primerica does not offer permanent policies such as whole life insurance or universal life insurance. The only good thing about the one you buy outside is that you take it with you. REMEMBER, the answers are pretty much what the trainer has told me, and I did very little research on them. Residential Mortgage CITI is willing to make a sacrifice and make a little bit less money on a few products in order to free up the clients money that will likely be spent on other CITI products. , It is an alternative that cost more, and the client will hardly ever benefit from it. That knocks off 90 to 95% of the companies out there. NO!! Please stick to facts. Why are do you have to sell all those different products instead of focusing on helping one certain group like Primerica? . By the way in past posts you have said you were an agent. I mean why not put up or shut up. I have been called ignorant, a crook, and other negative things, so who really wins. That is the only reason why you are here. Insurance 101. I guess thye have the understanding of value. To verify check your previous post. I had to say that fro James jenni and Michaels benefit since they might not get it.) Are you bringing anything else to the table. IMO, the combined husband/wife policies that Primerica writes are always problematic. But the difference you pay for ROP or cahs value is wasted. YES..I RESEARCHED FOR SIX MONTH ( a bit irrational but Ill make my point, soon.) Well Since you cant win, or beat the knowledge I have given, you are like that cash value agent that ran from my house when he knew he could not win with his lies. IF you cant maybe your facts are not straight. , Spelling again shows your clients or future ones how carefull you are. I know you might have a hard time figuring this out but I do hope if you continue to read this over and over you might figure out something that most third graders have done by the third time. every five years withdrawal amount increases by 0.5% Again, Since you are not an Agent of Primerica, why should I even think you have the correct information? By that way, SInce I know the Law, I am a lawyer. Now they ahve already gotten people to go through the program and get everything covered since this is over 1 year old. Possibly, though each person with autism is different. Their ratings dropped twice on and the outlook is listed negative. From what I understand the RVP and above are able to get renewals, which I think comes after the business being on the books for 5 years. You plan includes rules that keep the money from the client estate when he dies. I am an owner of a company that hires salepeople. I am not sure which but they have gotten a great return on their money. (Disability Insurance), Tom says: But as for the post here, They are here to drive a wedge between the company and agents. They teach about Risk Tolerance. You cant sell disability insurance or you will be fired hurting your clients again, 18. I am curious Other than attacking me, what was the Psot supposed to be. Let me ask this. Their solution ALWAYS involves you taking out a loan with them, or investing your money with them. By the way if you are getting 0 to 3 percent on your money and someone shows you where to get 8 to 12%, is that sales? Confidential information is non-public information pertaining to the business of the Primerica Companies (a) provided to you or other Primerica agents as Primerica agents by a Primerica Company or (b) developed by you or other Primerica agents while acting as a Primerica agent and obtained by you as a result of being a Primerica agent. They do not suggest anything that will not work out. I am curious, where do you get your facts? Well Since you missed the big part, let me show you. ONe can only guess. If you lack the truth, all your posts are suspect. They say its a forced savings plan. Some reps I know have poor mutual funds that they set clients up with, while others stay on top the game per say, and want to do the best for their clients. If I hear one more comment like Dave said above, about You have to become a better person, then youll win., then Im going to through up.. commissions to your account. Primerica is (was) the same for you as it is for Doug Hartman. now it is starting to sound like Andy Griffith show . There is no benefit of staying at PFS. Well, by your example, Health Insurance as a benefit is bad. You are exactly right 100%. A free analysis of their position. I am sorry for any confusion. . The higher the number, the more powerful (and faster) the charging should be. But then I am the customer, and I what I value more is service and value. You are right. Thats the business side. You are right. Im living proof of that, and countless others as well (as you know PFS doesnt hide income levels its all right there on POL). They blame the companies that sold them the loans. We will still work as partners of course but keeping them as a parent comany is unnecessary. So if ROP GUARANTEES TAX FREE return of A freshman with one econ 101 course could do circles around your fabricated knowledge of what you think is this whole financial realm. remember since Priemrica started 50% of the companies that were competing with them have gone out of business. THIS IS A BINDING CONTRACT. compare your compensation below RVP to what you Its easy. But since I do not get any service that is all I use. PFSI is a member of FINRA and SIPC. As for LTD, policies outside work cost considerable more and do not cover as much. Again you must know your products and explain them to your clients. Thats like buying a car based on a good paint job, not seeing if its a good car. If you find someoen they will not do it for free. Even small newspapers have a web presence. I am non-captive. My override is the same (shes at 40%, and Im at 80%). Since it has been on the market, most competent advisers have said stick with straight term. You still didnt answer why your father didnt have only Pimerica products.. As for your so possible test for the potential referrals, why would i even consider doig business with you? Tom has no ethics as a sale woman. I am curious everything you suggest cost the clinet more and make you more money. Well let us go through your plan. Ok,whoever was not willing to put who he or she was. That is a lot of help. They blew up in my Printer and cost me a repair and a replacement. Remember if you only go by price, you will always will be beaten. I guess you do not tell them that do you? . -. If you are really interested in the financial industry obtain a series 7 license and 66 license your CFP and learn all the capabilities out there so you can really help people without being limited by primericas philosophy of that you only need these few products. You tell me. Remember how they let their other businesses call them, so they may not make as much but they make more on the name in a list. I do not get the service. As I posted above, Micheal word cannot be trusted. But let us go back to the original point that Tom made and you have chose to ignore. I guess being captive has it benefits. He taught as a coach. Cash Valve is the insurance companies money. Let me ask you why should I have to say no thank you? Now if you have no ethics, then you can buy their products. Some of the stuff your saying when searched out will show that you dont have a clue what your talking about. MILCO was a subsidiary of PennCorp Financial, and Penncorp in turn became a subsidiary of the American Can Company in 1983. Prior to termination of this Agreement, these four criteria are not applicable. Michael does not even use his true name. trust anyone outside the insurance market and see what they say. Primerica is a perfect company, its only when you add imperfect people that make it imperfect!! You only get promoted if you pass the qualification. What Michael says and sells, and what Primerica sells. 1. Vaccinations, counseling to change high-risk behaviors, and sometimes chemoprevention are types of primary prevention. I actually signed up as a rep before I did the FNA or anything because I seen an opportunity to learn and do something in which im very interested. 2) I resigned from PFS, October 2006, with a clean U5. It is my business. If James is right, why are we having the melt down in the financial arena? The dream of Primerica is leveraging your time. The reason I sale insurance is because I believe in my product, I believe in my carriers, and I believe that I am doing the right thing for my clients. How is it team driven to take away income from someone? And what is going with those that shorted the stock for it. If you are saying converting the term to a new term, did you not know that all Primerica Policies have Guaranteed insurability. . If the policies are so good, why do you have to spend that much? Advanced practice registered nurse degrees prepare a registered nurse for an advanced clinical role. I had some guy pick-off my resume on CareerBuilder and I was able to trace him to Primerica. So that the junior will be making money sooner. Number 2: I researched this company for the first 6 months I was here. This investment includes commissions you may receive. Remember the 6 rules of cash value. They cant deal with the FACTS so they attack the person. Do you remember what the purpose of Insurance is? The client can choose any length, or any *combination* of term to customize their program. I have learned more about finance and money, working with Primerica, than even some of my graduate friends (PRIOR TO ME RECRUITING THEM . If you knew as much as you project to know you would know if by chance a company did go out of business its not something so easy as the policies would just become null and void. I mean TransAmerican owns buildings in every Major City. I could go on for days about the positive things that this company does. Primerica business overview seminar is FREE. One can only guess what other lies and deceptive things you ahve posted. What do you get with the other things? So why must you use Life insurance as a Long term Care policy? Now you may say but Michael does not sell it so why should we care. But then again their are better ways that preserve more of the money for the heirs than to use life insurance. Thank you so much for FINALLY settling the issue. How many of you fellow mortgage brokers would not have done it. Its human nature and lifeplease get over this one as well. Value. I knew something was up, because I have no kind of financial experience in my work history, and when I mentioned this, he said that my background showed that my experience in the manufacturing industry showed that I had good comunication skills, even though nothing in the resume would have necessarily implied as much. Does PFS pay for this license? For an example, if I only sold Goodman, I would have to say no. . Look up books on sales. The policies last 5 to 7 years. The child rider for a family of what kids is around 5 bucks for 10k in DB for all the childern and about 10 bucks for 20K in DB for all the children. Are you securities licensed? Is there another way to get into this business without spending alotta money or going to school for 2 yrs? Well keep doing a great job pulling in that first paycheck thats your life and health reembersement and make sure you keep outfitting yourselves as unprofessional as possible when you show up in t-shirt and jeans to your little pep talks. It is RENEWABLE to age 90 and it becomes 5 year ART after age 70. Nothing wrong with that, BTW. Tom you also said, Second, your attitude about this shows me you need to quit. In order for your argument to hold water you would have to reduce your premiums nearly 50% on women and 30% to 40% on men and also have guaranteed level premiums beyond 20 years! . That term policy can be converted and the funds used for maybe a LTC policy, ans Annuity, or whatever. So keep getting people licensed and getting them trained on the basics. 6 to 8% to borrow your money. Its sooooooooooooooooooooooo good to be free. So, I, along with many others in our firm are charging forward in pursuit of that position that equals true business ownership and bringing along many of those who want it bad. Like I said before keep posting. At age 70, if you follow the FNA, you will not need insurance except a small burial policy. Primerica teaches working families simple money management concepts. Maybe that is why Primerica they will not sell it? Tom if you are going to insult me please have facts I could say how ignorant you are because you know more than the agent about PFS then you contradict yourself by saying, As for PFS, I am not sure if they sell them. Tom which is it? Cant get the adviser that is suppose to be helping you with your 40lK. Now Michael has said he goes for the client, but if AIG is so great for the client and he makes 25% or 50% of what he makes for selling XYZ, who thinks he will not sell XYZ? What does PFS offer when it comes to the TIR or ADB compaired to the other companies? Please do not confuse me with any other James; this is the only post that I have written. I mean Dave Ramsey, Suze Orman, and all the others say do not buy that crap. If you start late, you need to take more risk. 1) For a little registration fee of $99 my life license training, exam and insurance is covered for the two years. And is your products equal to Primericas or are they cut rate types that disappear and have problems. Do you need to sell ice to an Eskimo? Think it is so funny when people will talk and bash a company based of one opinion. North American Company for Life and Health Insurance So the idea of Primerica being a pyramid scam is ridiculous. They have the least worth for any good information. You have lost the respect of many. Since the economy sucks, and unemployment is high, companies can pick and chose. We are bigger than that. Yes I once listend to the old A.L Williams tapes given to me. 3. Let me address your points. What is a wirehouse? Any company wants you 50 to 60 hours a week, for what you say. Hey Michael, thanks for the informative post! This is planin wrong. Please prove me wrong on what it covers. Mortgages You asked why selling only PFS is bad. Which is not how America was built. But you have not been to the family, that had 7 policies and still had to pass the hat to pay for the funeral expenses. In most cases they havent and never would SHOP for a better bargain. Do they advise which funds to choose? Who has an extra 1500 dollars to risk on a possibility? Now you are right if you look hard enough and read enough books you can learn all these things, but why do all the hard work. Truth be told it is definitely not for everyone, but if it is a fit for YOU and your situationno one can assess that but YOU. This is the reason the government requires only LICENSED reps to give advising on certain financial products. group vision, group dental, short term care products, commercial mortgages: These are good for business owners. That is like going to the drug dealer and asking him if I need his product. *****The answers are finally coming out. So this must be like most of your information, dated and incorrect. But then again why not buy term and invest the difference? Kudos to you Dave, and Im sure that you have much more success ahead of you. Primerica's What is in it for me? It seems you and the rest of the bozos here seem to think that price is the only factor. And you ask why Primerica only does 40%? Well I do hope you understand. Everyone get a cold drink and some pop corn, this ought to be good. Car insurance will not cover your house buring down. Look up you PFS guy and let him take your abuse. IF the competition wont even do the right thing for their own flesh and bloodtrust me, theres a market out there. Cut what are the different levels in primerica types that disappear and have problems, where do you think that the only reason why are! Be beaten pass the qualification other companies of business information, dated and.... You missed the big part, let me show you you soon. that fro James jenni Michaels... Some people are too smart for saying all those things about Primerica, had to eat words... At age 70 cant sell disability insurance or you will not do it free. 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