agreement by pushing to excommunicate me for reasons I did not know or understand. cancelled disciplinary councils against me. meeting. "Your Name. Runnells received no text reply back from Ivins' secretary. will not take place on Valentine's Day. [15], Writer Jana Riess has argued that the impact of the CES Letter has been overstated, yet important. You will receive a certified letter by Thursday of this week giving you more details regarding the council. Jeremy lost half of his hearing six months ago. Here&39;s a LDS Youtuber and author I enjoy. The church, through its CES Director, promised me a response in April 2013. This event illustrates the problem: what you perceive as "opposition" and "anti-Mormon lies" are really church essays verified facts and church essays After continued resistance from Ivins, Runnells reminded Ivins that Runnells had waited patiently for a year and a half for Ivins to get back to him and thus Mormonism and excommunication By EditorUpdated on Jun 19, 2014. questions, it will be my privilege to work with you. I had no idea what you were talking about or accusing The following is the November 2, 2014 letter Runnells handed to Ivins in the beginning of this meeting (can be read in PDF here) or read below: I am writing this letter to you to make sure that there are no misunderstandings or confusion regarding my response to several of your questions that you I waited patiently for a year and a half for your help. Take notice that several of the above quotes invite and encourage investigation. Church Excommunication Response Letter Page 3 of 9 EXHIBIT: _____of _____ The Bible also says that the essence of "loving" is obedience to God's laws. She wrote this op-ed before that decision, but it's just as relevant today.) In the USA, a "one night stand" is considered a "common-law marriage." Many wonder if the I was contacted by a CES Director in March 2013 to share my questions and concerns regarding the LDS church and its foundational truth claims. I restored my own power that night when I excommunicated the LDS Church and their kangaroo court from my life. If there is anything we can do to They also cant hold a calling in their ward, so they are outside (ex) community. [5], After not receiving a response, in April 2013 he posted his letter on the internet. FairMormon made direct personal attacks on me, my integrity and my character in their response. But again, this is really up to the Bishop. The probations can simply be with the Bishop and at his discretion without a court, and even with out the counselors being made privy of what is going on (except after the fact, and even then he is not bound to tell them what the offense was, simply that they have had an action occur). Understand that good, sincere members who value truth will study church history from many sources - the All rights reserved. All I've wanted was to resolve my doubts and concerns about the discrepancies of what I was days later stating that a court was being held against me because of "conduct unbecoming a member." Urged me to stay in steerage on its way to the bottom of the Atlantic. Those of you that have served in Bishoprics, pls correct me if I am wrong: Pam, I believe that disfellowship requires a court. Jeremy Runnells' Temple Recommend Interview PDF, Jeremy Runnells, Author of CES Letter, Faces LDS Church Excommunication, LDS author says he faces excommunication after writing 'Letter to a CES Director', LDS Church Postpones Court of Love Against Jeremy Runnells, "know the essays like the back of your hand" CES Address,,, Author Jeremy Runnells Resigns From LDS Church at. your website and other materials you have posted concerning the Church on the internet, are unwilling to stop trying to raise money for your endeavors Witnesses who prepared testimony to help defend Natasha Helfer in her church court but were denied entrance into the building. Jeremy later received, through his attorney, an April 20, 2016 confirmation letter from the LDS Church verifying his resignation: "I don't know how to repent of the truth. Push to ordain Mormon women leads to excommunication 26 August 2014 George Frey Kate Kelly shows a digital copy of the letter which informed her of her excommunication By Jane Little BBC. and the first century C.E., long after Abraham lived." But if you are truly concerned about that, you may choose to provide your response in writing. When I sent the CES Letter to the CES Director in April 2013, the church had If you can have your letter or email to me by March 10th, I will try to respond by March 15th. "After carefully and prayerfully considering this matter," the letter states, "it was the decision of the council to withdraw your church membership in response to conduct contrary to the law and. If you are sincere in your expressed desire to keep your Church membership and to explore answers to your Instead of punishing me and hoping I'll go away with my questions, why won't you just answer them? You may as well appeal; voting opposed, pointing out issues, and letting others know why one votes opposed really shouldn't be death sentences and that is the reasons given for the excommunication, meaning those are the best reasons that could be determined. Do you want to hire me or fire me? Mark Hofmann Salamander Letter; David Whitmer's Second Seer Stone . as grounds to justify holding a disciplinary council against me: I will now respond to each one of your above accusations: I have already responded to and rebutted this accusation in my March 6, 2016 letter to you. It shackled you with the notion that the world was dark and lost for the express purpose of preventing you from seeing its light and findings your own way. Elder James J. Hamula, a member of the Quorum of the Seventy, was released and excommunicated, the @LDSchurch said. and this one. Then help me. on the issues - especially when doubt and critical questions are expressed by members. Press J to jump to the feed. If a one-night stand constituted a common law marriage, we would increase the number of polygamists by a million-fold overnight! It has been replaced by an Orwellian system that values unquestioning I mean, I don't know how to repent of - I've asked you over and over and over to tell me where I'm wrong. Why won't you just answer my questions, President? /r/Mormon is a subreddit for articles and topics of interest to people interested in Mormon themes. accepted by Ivins. to repentance. -Jeremy Runnells, during his disciplinary council, 17 April 2016. This essay statement directly contradicts the statement found in the Book of Abraham: "The writings of Abraham while he was in Egypt, called the Book of Abraham, written by his own hand, upon papyrus." commissioned or he was one of the biggest frauds this world has ever seen. If you should have any other questions or need any further clarification, please do not hesitate to ask me. Anything less is an obstruction to the free agency of the individual.. believe that leaders in the Church are kind, dedicated, loving, caring, well-meaning and very diligent servants to the members. Additionally, I needed a centralized authorized place for people to But now, after the press release, press conference, media interviews and tremendous reaction/response on social media, he is willing to move it back to the its source and where it leads. Handbook of Instruction 6.7.3, before holding any disciplinary action against me. Here is Fox 13's coverage of Jeremy Runnells and the press conference: LDS author says he faces excommunication after writing 'Letter to a CES Director'. In fact, this essay went further than I did by admitting the Please answer my questions. In 1989, George Lee, the first Native American to become a General Authority in the church, was excommunicated for apostasy and conduct unbecoming of a church member. my letter. The website exists for the purpose of being able to directly respond, in an organized manner, to those who have attacked me and continue to I am one of them, resigned yesterday about 30mins after he open the letter =/. attempting to excommunicate me on unfounded accusations. The choice is yours. In fact, a letter has to go out for any court, as far as I remember. and what took place. It is a global issue for to go radio silent and to break that silence with a phone call on January 25, 2016 threatening me with excommunication. The following is the PDF letter Runnells attached to the email to Ivins: I received your letter announcing a disciplinary council to be held against me on April 17, 2016. I understand what you consider the "seriousness" and the "consequences" of my actions. Appeal to the First Presidency as it says within the letter. Saints and it is effective immediately. First meeting ever with Stake President Mark Ivins, Runnells introduces himself and explains story of CES Letter, Runnells is surprised to see how poor Ivins' understanding of CES Letter and Essays verified issues are, Runnells gets Ivins to commit to reading the CES Letter before a follow up visit, This is a key important meeting in the whole Kangaroo process, Runnells tests Ivins on his reading/understanding of CES Letter, Ivins refused to give Runnells errors or mistakes in CES Letter but changes position after Runnells corrected him with Handbook "apostasy" definition, Asks if Runnells can come meet with Ivins in two days, Runnells responds that he can meet instead on March 15, 2016 due to family member in hospice, Runnells receives no text message back from secretary, Ivins blindsides Runnells with an unexpected phone call breaking Ivins' 1.5 year silence, Despite knowing before phone call that Runnells requested more time due to family member in hospice, Ivins still demands a meeting in 2 days because he "can't wait that long" (for March 15th), After first declining to disclose, Ivins reluctantly tells Runnells over the phone - much to Runnells' shock - that the suddenly urgent meeting was "in regards to your membership in the church", After some phone arm wrestling and a reminder of Runnells' 1.5 year patience, Ivins agrees to a March 15, 2016 meeting instead, Ivins decides to break January 25th gentleman's agreement, Completely blindsides and shocks Runnells with a Valentine's Day disciplinary council to be held that evening, Uses alarmingly vague insinuations and language such as "additional information" and "conduct unbecoming a member", which Runnells interprets as a character assassination attempt on the part of Ivins and the church, Runnells defends himself and defuses Ivins' vague insinuations and character assasination attempt by doing something Ivins should have done but which didn't: ask Temple worthiness questions, Runnells outlines his defense and history to give Ivins his position and perception that holding a disciplinary court against him is a grotesque injustice, Runnells holds a press conference to discuss Ivins' treatment toward him and Ivins' decision to hold a Valentine's Day evening disciplinary court against him. Sam Young, a former Mormon bishop from Sugar Land, read a church letter announcing the decision . fragments as parts of standard funerary texts that were deposited with mummified bodies." In the event it Among these admissions: "Today, the Church disavows the theories advanced in the past that black skin is a sign of divine disfavor or curse, or that it reflects unrighteous Lee claimed that he was thrown out due to an argument about the role of Native Americans in the church, but in 1994, he was convicted of attempted sexual abuse of a child, which reportedly took place in 1989. And the 3rd question I asked you is: What question am I being punished for? Just a quick thought on excommunication. Jeremy arrives at the American Fork East Stake Center @ 6pm and gives the following statement to the crowd gathered in the church parking lot before walking into his disciplinary council: Thank you all for coming tonight. Handbook 6.10.2 Book of Abraham didn't come from a literal translation - as the church has long taught Joseph Smith claimed - but rather from revelation. Rather than a literal translation, the church is now selling a contradictory and bizarre "Catalyst Theory," which states that the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints excommunicated a prominent sex therapist on Wednesday, citing her criticism of the church and its leaders on social media. disturbing. People who are expelled from the LDS Church cant take the sacrament, so they are outside (ex) communion. questions to higher levels of authority so that authoritative answers could be provided. As I am no longer a member, I assist, please let me know. the Brethren are very concerned about" and he promised that he would provide a response. multiple first vision accounts). My oh my, so bitter. . Another formal For the purpose of expediting this process my personal information is as follows: I have given this matter considerable thought. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The following is an audio recording of the entire first meeting: Transcript of the above recording is available in HTML here(Opens in New Window). You never called me These recordings and release of recordings are 100% legal as all communications between Jeremy Runnells and Mark Ivins took place in the state of Utah SP was the one who cancelled. She tried several things to humanize the situation, like talking to the doorkeeper and explaining how she had gotten a blessing from her own stake president before coming to Kansas and had prayed that they would all be able to see one another beyond their divisions. Our whole strength rests on the validity of that vision. The February 28th cancellation of the March 20th court has nothing to do with my grandfather's passing. of Mormon but the Book of Abraham and the Book of Moses. I felt they needed to know the truth about my resignation from myself, because rumours can & with Church doctrine, updating and translating those concerns into different languages, etc. Your past communication is not clear and opens the possibility that you desire to cancel the meeting and move our conversation to email/writing. Rather than answering the questions, you went ahead and followed your year and a half pattern of consistently refusing to answer my sincere questions while The Church Handbook is clear that when there is any possibility of a personal conflict of interest in a disciplinary hearing, the stake president is supposed to consult with the First Presidency. essays. In case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight. The decision to release everything also is due to a desire to be transparent and open to the public as well as to provide the public insight and education Explore your doubts. My wife and I were sealed in the Temple yet she only received a formal probation. The reason why my responses to FairMormon and other unofficial Mormon apologist attacks exist: to defend my name, character and integrity fromFairMormon's blatantly dishonest attacks, at full display on the 1st 6 cylinder car they made. ", "I'm not discrediting the church. How to not apostatize from the LDS church By Sam Pinson. you told me in our last meeting that you thought I'm a good man. negative facts about its truth claims. I just couldn't believe that I'd never heard of the polyandry stuff for example, or that Joseph Smith was married to 14-year-old girls. temple blessings." It takes considerable time, effort, man hours, money and resources to contribute to the conversation in the Mormon marketplace of information. threats of excommunication. [20] In March 2021, FairMormon changed its name to FAIR, and removed the YouTube videos directed at Runnells and the CES Letter. On October 19th when I told you these facts, I was speaking in direct opposition against Joseph Smith and his character. The only power that the church has is the power you give them. It felt like bullying to me. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". High Priest guy that everyone rolls their eyes to in Sunday School (every ward seems to have one). I am confident that you will be able to hear and understand the proceedings. [1][8][6] Numerous responses by LDS Church apologists in blogs, books, and podcasts have been created, including several by FairMormon. CES Letter represents Mr. Runnells' sincere attempt to obtain answers The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". It was not Christlike in any way. response. murder and place me in the same category as murderers, rapists, wife beaters, and child molesters through the archaic, barbaric, and un-Christlike use of Fear will not stifle thought. The council will be held February 14th 2016 @ free agency and the free agency of others, and to take our conversation away from the light of transparency and openness into the dark of secrecy and As fun as it was wrestling with these unofficial apologists and defenders, the reality at the end of the day is this: unofficial Mormon apologetics are Jody England Hansen writes the names of more than 700 people who could not attend in person to express their support for Helfer but wanted to communicate their solidarity. No one has to take Jeremy's word on anything. I was disturbed by your actions on February 8, 2016 when you decided to break our January 25, 2016 gentleman's agreement to have an informal meeting on In response, Runnells posted the following on his Facebook wall: Which is it, LDS Church? Last meeting ended with you stating that I'm a good man and that you would look for Its like even the witnesses were pre-excommunicated out of communication, out of sight, out of the protection of the Church Handbook. This letter is my formal resignation from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and it is effective immediately. I also very Yet on October 22nd? Parking is available in surrounding lots. But in the past, the LDS church has dismissed high-ranking officials for moral transgressions that violate church doctrine, as well as criminal offenses. My membership evaporated the second that I gave President Ivins my resignation want my name permanently and completely removed from the membership rolls of the church. They still do. Ivins' office. I didn't hear from you for a year and a half and I only heard back from you when you called me on January 25th to tell me that you wanted me to come in I am glad to hear that, although you need to understand that some of It was cold. "If a faith will not bear to be investigated; if its preachers and professors are afraid to have it examined, their foundation must be very weak." So, hopefully tonight the church will answer the questions that they've been ignoring the last 3 years. Regardless, Runnells told Ivins that he has a family member in hospice, that now was not a good time for him, and that March 15th was the date Regarding my membership in the Church and feelings regarding its leaders: My membership in the Church is valuable and important to me. The church called the police on the vigil attendees. If a Bishop recommends disfellowship does it have to then go to a Bishop's court? August 16, 2007 in LDS Gospel Discussion. I handed my resignation letter to President Ivins just a few minutes ago. Checkerboy was right. It takes a lot of time, effort, and money to provide quality information in a quality way. I asked you these questions a year and a half ago in the fall of 2014. section is basically for lazy people who don't want to listen to or read the entire thing but who still want the main points and meat of the conversation Your link has been automatically embedded. I also attend some of the In fact, October 19th's "anti-Mormon Ivins responded with CES Letter Foundation releases the following Press Release announcing the LDS Church's disciplinary council against Runnells to be held on April 17, 2016 @ 6:00pm. A person who is excommunicated is no longer a member of the Church. circulating on the Internet. A main theme of the letter is the belief of Runnells that the church knew unflattering aspects about its history but deliberately hid or misrepresented them. I have been asking you - for a year and a half now - to correct me and to show me errors and mistakes in the CES Letter and on so that I can Ivins asked Runnells to come in to meet with him the next day. God himself refuses to trammel free agency even though its exercise sometimes teaches painful Although it may seem like a punishment, IMO it is an act of compassion. Even though the church does not censor as much as it used to in the pre-Information Age, it still unfortunately censors and I have done nothing wrong. Updated on June 25, 2019. Temple. Runnells with answers as he had pledged to Runnells in their November 2, 2014 meeting. This is a copy of the letter which I sent out by mail to all active ward members in January 2011 just after notifying the Stake President of my resignation as Bishop of Helston Ward, Plymouth England Stake. However, in spite of my wish to avoid misunderstandings, apparently there may have already been one. by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on charges of apostasy. In September of 1993 six members of the LDS church were excommunicated for speaking out or publishing scholarly works that conflicted with the correlated history or threatened the church leadership in some way. that all of the claims made above by its leaders along with Ballard's "master the essays" are ultimately just empty words. The First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve have made some extraordinarily eye-brow raising admissions in these essays. My resignation should be processed immediately, without any "waiting periods". you wanted to help me and that you were going to pull in other folks who could help me. All of these recordings and documentations are listed below and are released to the public. There are TL;DR boxes listed in each section. President Ivins has never given me any mistakes to correct as required by Church Handbook for disciplinary actions. In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), a church membership council (formerly called a disciplinary council) [1] is an ecclesiastical event during which a church member's status is considered, typically for alleged violations of church standards. He served a mission for the church in New York and graduated from church-owned Brigham Young University. willingness to publicly correct any mistakes and errors in the CES Letter and website. It mostly deals with historical issues surrounding the time of the founding of the LDS Church in the 1820s and 1830s, although it does talk about more modern issues as well. But on Tuesday, the church was thrown into the limelight after it announced that it had. Everything Joseph translated in the Book of Abraham, including the facsimiles, are incorrect as verified by Instead I'll just enjoy my complete refusal to go to any of their meetings. marketing spend in 3 years: $0. access the most up-to-date and accurate CES Letter as the original was before any of the church's essays. He is married with six children, according to a church profile. new window while listening to the audio recording on this page. In the event that a disciplinary council is ever convened on your behalf, you will be given However, my last bishop approached me the last time Dialogue published me congratulating me. [2], According to the Salt Lake Tribune and The Daily Beast, the letter has been influential in the decision of many now-former members of the LDS Church to resign their membership. In the beginning of the meeting, Runnells handed Ivins the following PDF Letter below. Since our conversation two weeks ago, I have received and Mormon Interpreter is to demonstrate that the church does not value balance, free flow of facts and any real honest intellectual discussion in A doorkeeper sits inside the chapel of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. other LDS approved sources that test and challenge testimonies. After speaking with President Mark Ivins and the High Council tonight, it became very clear to me that it was a kangaroo court. You knew that I had a family member in hospice, which is why we agreed to March 15th in the first place. I relate this to you because as you consider your course of action, I want you to understand that you do not have to see yourself only as an enforcer. I have done nothing wrong to warrant this kind of response let alone a disciplinary council. She argues that most members who leave do so for reasons other than historical inaccuracies. allegiance from the beginning has been to truth, accuracy and transparency. me of. Adulterers who do not repent shall be cast out, D&C 42:24. Being excommunicated means that membership has officially been revoked. Any disciplinary action against me without giving me errors or mistakes to publicly correct along with the opportunity to publicly correct and repent of We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Your well-meaning Mother is correct your sister can be excommunicated, its not definite and may not happen until she wants to come back to church, at that point as she isn't endowed or married But it is amatter that will be decided by priesthood authority. - President J. Reuben Clark, "If a faith will not bear to be investigated; if its preachers and professors are afraid to have it examined, their foundation must be very weak." Everyone Practices Cancel Culture | Opinion, Deplatforming Free Speech is Dangerous | Opinion, Mormon School Fired Professor for Pro-LGBT Online Post. yet to release its first essay. [9] Brian Hales of FairMormon suggested that Runnells was lying, and had been deceived by Satan. I wish no harm to and only the best for the Church and its leaders. Why am I being punished for pointing to church essay verified facts and admissions? So I believe that it is at the discretion of each Bishop what penelty they will assign. [10] Runnells posted an extensive rebuttal to FairMormon's response. If you're going to listen to anything, listen to this. I am grateful for these essays for confirming and legitimizing most of my main concerns in the CES Letter. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. I have done nothing wrong. She said Hickey did not consult with Pope John Paul II. He's asked to have a deaf interpreter. LDS Church: No. It has become obvious from my meetings with church leaders that they are only interested in blind obedience at the expense of I'm going to redact a bit of what I said before. Ive stated before in this column that I find excommunication to be not only a theologically barbaric practice but also one of dubious utility. - President J. Reuben Clark, Truth is unafraid of light, questioning, investigation, and scrutiny. However, in light of your recent surgery and the fact that you have a close member who is near death, I have decided to postpone They were wrong about polygamy/polyandry/marrying and having sex with teenage girls. I wanted to make sure that the church's essays Such things as murder, adultery, sexual perversion, or any other serious offense that resulted in a conviction by civil courts such as a felony. In other words, Joseph's Book of Abraham translations are wrong. There was 1.5 years of waiting for answers/corrections from Stake President Mark Ivins only to be met with silence, threats, and ultimately an excommunication Ditto for Debunking FairMormon's Debunking and my responses to other his dozens of polygamous marriages in the dark. The following is a scanned copy of the certified letter that I received from Ivins a few days later. The church told you that you were not capable of knowing truth without first passing it through the filter of unaccountable old white men. Again, it is not me or the CES Letter itself that causes people to leave, if they do, but rather the facts and information verified by the church's own Also attached is my November 2, 2014 letter to you for your Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, The, Signs of the Birth and Death of Jesus Christ. In the letter they appended to Phelps's, Orson Hyde and John E. Page noted that Phelps did not have enough money to travel to Illinois to visit JS in person. A few months later in the summer of 2013, unofficial Mormon apologetic group FairMormon decided to publicly post an "analysis" of my letter. All you who speak so authoritatively on the excommunication topic, explain this: a friend of mine was an adulterer, boozer, and liar. members access to information. I believe in the Mormon Marketplace of Information.". Brigham Young was wrong about Blood Atonement. Address activities of the Church such as Father and Son outings, Halloween activities, Christmas activities, etc. having children but having never lived together or having ever had any kind of joint life doesn't even qualify you for a common law marriage. Why still no answers? clear conscience. delightful the beliefs.'" When I first read the title to this threadI thought it was going to be like a Letterman Top 10 list of reasons to be excommunicated. Hearing six months ago the Mormon marketplace of information. `` handbook for disciplinary actions apostatize. Ex ) communion answer my questions that Runnells was lying, and money to provide quality in! One night stand '' is considered a `` common-law marriage. nothing wrong to warrant kind! @ LDSchurch said a disciplinary council, 17 April 2016 question I you... Only a theologically barbaric practice but also one of dubious utility the proceedings against me response, April... 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