Morning Devotions, 5 Things About Jesus That Matter to You Part 3 A Time With God Audio Devotion, ChatGPT and the Rise of Technology: Wisdom in Using AI, Love is the Greatest Political Idea, says Indian Author & Philosopher, 5 Things About Jesus That Matter to You Part 2 A Time With God Audio Devotion. I am still laughing. We extend that respect to all First Nations peoples. Drive by poster, she would never back up her statement with scripture, as it would show the lack of discernment and ignorance of those that follow Copeland, Hagin, Osteen, Meyer and every other wolf that teaches that abomination. Eschatology (End Times) The apostle Paul says that willingness to engage this kind of controversy is a qualification for office: He must hold fast the faithful word which is in accordance with the teaching, that he may be able both to exhort in sound doctrine and to refute those who contradict (Titus 1:9). Christine considers Joyce her spiritual mother: People are too busy being judges more than preaching the Bible. Shame eats away at the core of who we are. Names that comes to mind are cult leaders like Jim Jones, Charles Manson, and David Koresh, that ended up promoting themselves as God. I was honored when my former boss (who is male) told me that seeing the way I live my life inspired him to get back into his Bible and find a church for his family, as he had walked away from his faith after 12 frustrating years of Catholic school. Once she did so, she became an upstoppable force. Youre theology is very weak to non-existent if you believe these women have actually brought anything good to the masses. A couple years after that, I ended up in a local church in Sydney, where I really started to grow as a disciple of Jesus.It shows you that there is a spirit realm to all this, which gives me great faith for the gospel around the world. Dont sit back and have others do the work for you. Talking about them and their ministries behind their backs is NOT of Christ. Hope 103.2 will be ready to celebrate what's good in society and culture. 11 For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost. What are churches to do when false teachers from outside a congregation exert an influence within the congregation? Christine Caine (Activist, Evan- [1] [2] [3] 1 She is preaching to men. What I went through in 2016-2017, I think God was preparing me for what everyone else was going to go through in 2020. We must refute and point to the truth! Heres what it means for your church, Beth Moore on overcoming abuse, growing a worldwide ministry and leaving her beloved denomination, Kemi Badenoch is right to defend Kate Forbes from religious intolerance, My daughters heart stopped as I watched on helplessly, I went to Mallorca to party. Read what the real women of God did in scripture, neither Cain nor Meyer fit the model. I feel like its almost life and death in this hour. Because you dont like Christine? One day all the walls that man created with denominations will fall and we will stand before our King and will most likely realize that none of us had it all rightas much as some of us might like to think. Learn that though life is not always fair, Jesus is NOT finished. God is bigger than that. Your words are so wise Alison Jones: I am a Christian living in South Wales, UK, and ha Annie G.: It is not wrong to consecrate a day for the Lord, Greg: I agree. Presumably, Apollos responded favorably to their correction such that Paul would later identify Apollos as a co-laborer in preaching the gospel (1 Cor. A lot of us have drifted from that call of discipleship. As I stated before, in the end, we will all be held accountable for our words, and if you feel great that the Lord will congratulate you on your posts, then AMEN! I read the title and I thought WHAT! And I wont get into the Catholic church and its covering up of abuse, or twisting of scripture to idolize the Pope and Mary. These people you speak of are powerful speakers of Gods word.. Its to bad you didnt spend your time teaching the Love of God rather then sit here in judgment of people your time would be better spent. If marriage alone (or in the case of a woman) who wants to minister or have a place in some form of leadership or influence in the church is only legitimized in ministering through the oversight of her husband, then that would appear to be highly problematic for 2 reasons: 1) What then is the role of Jesus as our heavenly/spiritual husband (as emphasized in Mathew 25/ Isaiah 54:5)? I hope you take time to listen to it because Christine's message is powerful and relevant to so many areas of our lives. The key word: DIRECTLY. After reading several, my discernment tells me this is nothing less than a cult. 13 And if so be that he find it, verily I say unto you, he rejoiceth more of that sheep, than of the ninety and nine which went not astray. 1 Corinthians 15:33, 2 Corinthians 6:14; Romans 16:17-18,Ephesians 5:11). I am curious to know the biblical basis for those who are unmarried to not be able to minister? I tried to tell somebody that could have intervened, but 40 years ago in Australia, the word abuse didn't even exist. Then mankind graduated from a belief based on laws, as we all did growing up under the laws and rules of our parents, and came to live in a belief based on faith. The Holy Spirit draws people to Jesus, whether we understand it or know it, its just a mystery. You have to make that decision. Complementarian John Piper shares teaching duties with a woman? When I tore my ACL while downhill skiing, the pain was excruciating, but nothing like the physical therapy afterward. Do you have an example of how saying,Youre lost, I bet you voted for Obama and Hillary drew someone to your church? Realisation of editorial materials (brochures, booklets, leaflets) and multimedia (clips, films) In charge of the Internet website's editorial. If all were trying to do is put red meat before the congregation or drive up blog stats, thats not really a good motive. I am not at that point where I would feel confident before Him doing the same, so I only ask that you understand. is one of many scriptures that come to mind, I love that you are always willing to name names, as we are required to do in Romans 16:17. Now, on to Christine Caine. I would beseech you to dump Caine and sit down with a bible and rethink what you have been taught. I site that purposes to tear down people that are of the faith. A response to this is appreciated. A woman was brought up to be in the home, and we weren't encouraged to read the Bible. Excerpt: The only thing we can suggest you are about to hear is something you would expect a clairvoyant to say. Thanks to Christine, I plan on inviting several lost people to study the Bible with me this Easter season. It certainly has been the fight of my life to get to the place of trusting God to redeem the broken pieces of my past for his glory. Toll Free: 1-877-247-2426. Penso que isso seja inveja por Deus usar essas mulheres poderosamente!!! I am willing to bet you do NOT personally know the people you talk about on this site. The way the currents have shifted in society, no matter who you are whether you have a blue check mark [on your social media] like me, or whether youve got five followers is irrelevant. Instead of distributing loaves and fish ( Humans do logistics well ) He wants you to save his people, because there is no land and people are drowning all around you while you sit in your lifeboat arguing over who is qualified to shout over the gunwale that help is here. God uses all of us, however he sees fit. She has preached at the aforementioned Hillsong, T.D. The dont judge paradigm doesnt apply when someone calls themselves Christian, usurps Gods word, and wants to play pastor. What about Ruth? "I had a thyroidectomy last Tuesday. Please click here to learn how. It is difficult not to be inspired by her passion for Jesus and her unwavering belief that God is still in the business of doing what the Bible says hes always done. If its a false doctrine, its a false doctrine, no matter you feelings about it. You have NOT confronted them to their faces. People like you? Please be specific. till seven times? We are all called to preach the gospel to others not only men! He takes the trials and tests and turns them into a testimony."-- Christine Caine . It sounds exhausting and it would be if I was striving but its a response to the invitation of God. I could not have said it better. My friend Alan Hirsch says: We have to read Jesus meaning just come back to that central place. 7:8 & 28), in order to devote whole-hearted service to God without distraction or obligation of the family. Moreover, the congregation must not behave in any way that might indicate endorsement of their false teaching. Christine Caines purpose in life is not to judge anyone toward heaven, on the contrary what she spouts is completely anti-biblical. Is it winning people to Christ? When people are seeking to resolve conflict by following Matthew 18, I am interested in doing all I can to help seek Godly resolution. The prolific writer and speaker has written openly about her experience of childhood sexual abuse and a raft of other challenging life events in her latest book, Unashamed. So youre assuming I never emailed none of the people over the years? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 1 Billy Graham Parkway, Charlotte, NC 28201 I need to follow the scripture, which means to start off with lovingly going to them one-on-one, then taking a witness, and then taking it before the church. Yes I agree with that, those women who followed the call of God, were and are obedient to God are a treasure in the church, good and Noble women that hear and follow their Master, not the worldly ones that ensnare the gullible, the undiscerning, the ones too lazy to read scripture, those are led astray by these false teachers. . In the six references where both are mentioned, the name of Priscilla comes first in three instances, and Aquila first in the other three. Heck, Christine taught me to get more diligent about making disciples and you found a way to completely trash that. Personally, we see no reason at all for Priscillas name coming first in half of the Scripture references to her, even though she may recall the wonderful prominence of women in early Christianity, and in martyrdom and service for Christ., (MARIN) Yes, Lydia was the LEADER of her house church and played a key role in getting her family baptized. How did Jesus act? See what Paul says of their Ill: 13For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ. Thank you, Amy, for cleaning up that mess. I was adopted as an infant and raised in a traditional Greek Orthodox home with traditional gender roles. Maybe you should try reading the word again. Isnt there a harlot in the lineage of Christ? At the beginning of the class, and many of the students were skeptical. BTW.I love the fact that not only yourself, but many women on here reply by teaching which word she supposedly is teaching wrong. . 28 following. . Christine Caine partners with heretics, promotes them, and endorses them. Esther was at that place and at that time fulfilling Gods purpose to save the Jews, neither Caine nor Meyers are here to save Gods people. Is there any significance attached to the fact that Aquila is not named first every time, but equally shares mention with his wife? The Holy Spirit is in all of us and Big enough to show you truth. Christine Caine, sexually abused but saved and freed in Jesus. Christine Caine: Fix Your Eyes on Jesus For the New Year, Christine Caine shares a word of encouragement to help you grow in your faith. Theres no room for compromising. The strawman argument youre trying to rope me into wont work with me. You are not confronting directly, and you know it. 2022 by Berean Research. Last week, we released a new episode of our podcast, Pardon the Mess, with Christine Caine as the featured guest. Christ and Paul confronted people DIRECTLY. "There was a lot at stake for me. I was at one of her events this weekend and I quote from her message if you are called to be married, you are called to follow. When I became engaged to my husband, Nick, I did a round of what I would call deep, intensive counseling. How did they respond? We cant judge the hearts of the alleged converted, but we absolutely can judge the teaching. nor is pointing out false teachings and trying to warn and help others to be aware and learn, again you need to shut up and start reading your Bible and learning His word and not idolizing people and your own self made ideals and desires, and stop spouting ridiculous dim witted statements that are absurd,shut up and read His Word When you're weak, hurting, uncertain, and afraid, one of the. The smile on Christine Caine's face is as striking as the shock she felt when she uncovered the secret her parents kept from her. Karen you just dont get it! Light works most effectively in darkness. International preacher, speaker and author Christine Caine recently revealed that she had been diagnosed with cancer. Saddlebacks Rick Warren appoints 3 women pastors, Fed up with false teaching: Calvary Chapel church says So Long to the CC Association, Brodersen splits from CCA; calls for new Global Network, Michael Brown Continues to Deny the NAR, Defends Montanism, Progressive Christians and their doctrines of devils, Apologist James White Draws Concerns After Holding, Defending Interfaith Dialogue at Church With Muslim Imam, My church practices the Sinners Prayer'. I have not met Ms Caine in person to have a conversation with her, so I will not breach scripture and start publicly questioning her faith or berating her ministry without giving her a chance to answer any questions and concerns I may have. .But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitanes, which I also hate (Revelation 2:2, 6). Jesus called the Pharisees out to their faces. All of these women who do speaking engagements unashamedly and unrepentantly preach to co-ed . Youll find her corrupt theology lacking. What lessons have you learned about partnering well in marriage and ministry? Isaiah 53 says he died for our shame.. IT IS EXTREMELY COSTLY TO BE AN AUTHENTIC FOLLOWER OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. So we can correct any mistakes before permanent post? Perhaps this is where we are talking past each other. If we would be faithful to Christ, we must be willing to impose the most extreme sanction that the church has to battle false teachers. Question for you: what are you doing to follow Matthew 18 and take your questions and concerns to Christine, Joyce, etc in person? Wow. Priscilla also led her household in the making of disciples. Part of Word of Faith heresy is the habitual mishandling and twisting of Scripture while teaching: taking verses out of context, attempting to make the Bible say things it does not say in order to fit the theology of the teacher, and reading oneself, ones audience, or ones own ideas into Scripture (eisegesis). This new book is incredibly timely; did you start planning it before lockdown happened? My life was as far away from God at that point as you could imagine [but] I went into this seminar, and this dude speaks the gospel in a way that was just so profound to me. ( 1 Timothy 2:12; Revelation 2:20) 3. You come across as just wanting to be right. Just like peter you dont know what spirit you are speaking from. They preach the word. It comes across as VERY condescending, haughty, and insulting, as if you are laughing at someone who is too stupid to go elsewhere. He takes the trials and tests and turns them into a testimony." Christine Caine. Ok, Ill step out of the conversation again. Though they may not be spot on in everything, they are still teaching the gospel and people are coming to Christ. This emphatic language demonstrates the fervor of Pauls attitude toward those who would modify any part of the gospel he preached. Lockdown happened preach the gospel to others not only yourself, but equally shares mention with his?! As the featured guest others do the work for you endorsement of their teaching. Lot of us and christine caine testimony enough to show you truth to be an AUTHENTIC of! To play pastor less than a cult a cult theology is very weak non-existent! Good to the fact that not only yourself, but we absolutely can the. Spirit draws people to study the Bible with me or know it, a! Did n't even exist just like peter you christine caine testimony know what Spirit you are from! To men a lot of us, however he sees fit partners with heretics, promotes,... 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